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FIDUCIARY DUTY of our Board of Directors

  Websters defines fiduciary as a trustee (noun), and as follows: involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship be...


Our sub-standard trash service has been costing us $20,000.00+ /yr more than we should/could be paying based on contracts we received from other trash companies and could not execute. We are locked in a contract that is self renewing, automatic price increases and a cancellation option that would cost us over $40,000.00 

What could all that money have bought our neighborhood if not wasted on this? The board of directors and the management company is supposed to know, who is responsible for this and how this is to be in our best interest and yet refuse to give out this information or an answer when asked to do so. This is a breach of their fiduciary duty towards our neighborhood.


James said...

That seems like a waste of our money, why didn't they let everyone know first ?


Hi James
The board of directors has and continues to fail in it's legal obligation to protect our best interest and makes decisions based on their own convenience at our expense. You asked a good question and the answer is that they think it's for them to decide how to spend our money without any kind of input from the people whose money it is AND then hide things from us to protect themselves.
We can chose who is/should be on the board to better serve our community if we get together and take our neighborhood back from control by people who don't care.

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